Vancouver Home Health Care Agency

Understanding How to Act When Someone is Dying

When someone is dying, people are most likely going to follow a code of conduct that just doesn’t make sense anymore – especially when talking to the dying person in the final days. Dying is part of life, but it is a finite part, and it must be faced eventually. Knowing how to act around a dying person is important because the person dying is also scared, sad, and needs the support of loved ones in the final days. Death is one of the scariest parts of life. Don’t make a loved one face it alone by following these simple tips.

Go Ahead and Cry
The dying person understands sadness. He or she feels it too. When a loved one cries in front of a dying person, that person then gains the permission and confidence to also be candid about emotions. It opens a pathway to a conversation that could be once in a lifetime. Additionally, the loved one who’s dying knows others are sad. It could be worse for him or her to not see the family cry; tears are a sign of love and understanding of what’s happening.

Bring the Children
Think back to your own childhood. Remember the imagination and the way you would answer questions for yourself which were avoided by adults? Most kids actually do better with simple explanations about what’s going on than letting that imagination run wild. Giving a child facts is better than hiding, even though it may seem better for the child. The child will share in a natural part of life and the loved one will share a beloved presence.

Talk About the Pending Changes
Change is coming. It’s okay to talk about how life will change when the loved one is gone. The dying person is definitely thinking about the same thing, and talking about it might help ease the transition. This is not a life change to be taken lightly. Wouldn’t you talk about a wedding or birth with your loved one? Death is on the same level as any other life change. Opening up and talking about it will help the loved one also talk about the changes, which is necessary for mental well being.

Try to Avoid Excuses
Some people will avoid visiting the dying person with excuses such as, “I want to remember the way it was”. This is putting personal discomfort before the needs of the dying person. Remember, this person loved and wants love in return, especially during the final days.

The Vancouver Home Health Care Agency can help find therapists and counselors to help everyone move through the final days.

At Vancouver Home Health Care Agency, Caring and Compassion is our business.

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