Vancouver Home Health Care Agency

Government Advice

Government Advice on Preventing Elderly Abuse

Government Advice on Preventing Elderly Abuse While the Federal government is currently conducting ongoing research to help prevent all types of elderly abuse, the Administration on Aging (AOA) has released a few tips to help the elderly and loved ones try to prevent financial abuse. Research The AOA begins by suggesting that any caregiver be researched with a background check. Those who financially abuse an elder – and who are reported – have a permanent mark on their record. The Vancouver Home Health Care Agency already completes this check, but anyone who is associated with an elderly person should be researched thoroughly. Sadly, financial abuse is so under-reported that it’s difficult to know the culprits, but every case of financial abuse is considered stealing. If it is reported against a person, it will be included on a permanent record. Address Ageism The AOA website confronts the matter of ageism, which is defined as a discrimination against older individuals. Ageism is a disrespect for the elderly, to the point where those who victimize these people do not see them as people. This must be addressed as a nation, according to the AOA, and education for those who believe in ageism is becoming a pressing issue. Gather Advance Planning Tools This is the most important tip in avoiding financial abuse. Advance planning tools include: Living wills Advance directives Limited powers of attorney These tools will clearly highlight who is allowed to sign for the elderly person, who is allowed to handle money, and who is allowed to allocate funds, if necessary. While this will not stop the issue, it will slow down those who would take assets from an elderly person. Public Awareness Public awareness must be increased to help stop the issue. The AOA recommends an increase in communication, which will help in the following ways, according to the website: Increase awareness of the issue Influence changes to social norms Influence prompt action in the incident of financial abuse Advocate new laws and increase demand for services to avoid financial abuse Refute misconceptions and strengthen community relationships If you have any questions about increasing financial elderly abuse awareness, contact Vancouver Home Health Care Agency today. At Vancouver Home Health Care Agency, Caring and Compassion is our business.

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Government Advice on Handling Elder Mistreatment

Government Advice on Handling Elder Mistreatment and the Extent of Mistreatment The government, through the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), admits that there simply isn’t enough research to support the actual amount of elder mistreatment in existence. This is even worse in terms of financial abuse, simply because reporting is inconsistent and measurement tools are not in place. Additionally, states have different measures of what is considered abuse, and different tools to measure incidences. This does not stop the Federal government, however, from attempting to streamline the research and offering information on how to handle any type of elder mistreatment. The extent of mistreatment, though currently not accurately measured, can be traced to a few key circumstances. The elders who are mistreated the most in the home share some common identifiers: Low household income (not for financial abuse, but for general abuse) Unemployment of the elder person or retirement Declining health Prior traumatic events Little to no social support systems The NIJ reports these identifiers for doctors, caregivers, and loved ones to actively understand that these elderly individuals are most at risk for any type of abuse, including financial abuse. The NIJ recommends better documentation processes, especially for professionals dealing with an in-home care elderly patient. Only documentation will aid in government research, revealing how many patients are actually financially abused. Documentation will also help any non-professional in building a case for financial abuse. This type of elderly abuse is the hardest type to catch for a number of reasons; agencies who help will need as much documentation as possible to give the elderly person the best help possible. The NIJ recommends everyone document incidences and any suspected abuse. This will help the government respond to the initial incident, and build programs to become more proactive in the future. If you have any questions on proper documentation of elderly abuse, call Vancouver Home Health Care Agency today. At Vancouver Home Health Care Agency, Caring and Compassion is our business.

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