Water Overdose

Water Overdose is a Reality That We All Need to Watch Water overdose is called EAH, or exercise associated hyponatremia, in the medical community. This is because athletes are the most common types of people who suffer from water overdose. However, anyone can suffer from this condition, especially since the importance of water has been pushed over the past few years. As people strive to be healthier, they drink more water, and EAH has been the outcome. EAH happens when someone drinks too much water or even too much sports drink. The body cannot remove the excess water, and it can lead to a person’s death. In fact, a woman in California died from this condition after trying to win a Nintendo WII in  a competition. She was not an athlete; she simply drank too much water and did not allow herself to urinate, according to the contest rules. She passed away and the radio station hosting the contest was sued. The condition is so serious that a California panel, the International Exercise-Associated Hyponatremia Consensus Development Conference, meets every year. The conference intends to launch a campaign to raise awareness of fluid imbalance. Too little water hurts; too much also kills. The Conference is determined to help individuals understand this. In fact, many researchers agree that more education is necessary to make people aware that there is such a thing as safe hydration. Athletes are consistently taught to stay hydrated, especially while working out. However, when drinking water becomes a habit over a need, the body gets too much water, and overdose is possible. Athletes and others need to learn responsible hydration, which means not drinking if you do not feel thirsty. The body is an intelligent machine and will crave water when necessary. Doctors state that mild to moderate dehydration is not life threatening, and is ok in most cases. Those who hydrate without allowing the body to first ask for the water are often over hydrating and placing themselves in danger. The best rule of thumb is the eight glasses a day guideline. Athletes who feel they need more should consult a doctor to find their personal daily water limit. Working out is a great idea, but every part must be done in a healthy manner, even the water intake. At Vancouver Home Health Care Agency, Caring and Compassion is our business.

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