Vancouver Home Health Care Agency

How to locate service and see if your qualify for Medicaid and Medicare

How to locate service and see if your qualify for Medicaid and Medicare

Services for Medicaid and Medicare in Washington State come from the Economic Services Administration (ESA). This office handles all financial and disability issues, and there is an office located in the county seat of every county in Washington. Finding out if a person is eligible for services is as simple as visiting the website at and filling out a simple form, or by visiting an office and speaking with a professional about Medicaid and Medicare.

The ESA serves one of every four Washington State residences. The office is part of the Department of Social and Health Services and offers assistance with food, cash, child support, and health insurance, as well as other services. Their core services include:

Poverty Reduction – Low-income people are served with basic needs on their way to economic independence. Cash grants, medical services, food, employment services, and child care are available to help people stay healthy while they work to get back to financial independence.

Child Support Assistance – This part of the office works to help single parents get what is necessary to support children. Often, this department will work with Medicare or Medicaid to help get insurance for the child from the absent parent.

Disability Determination – This part of the services helps individuals apply for Social Security disability, as well as applying for Medicaid and Medicare. The service will determine the type of disability by working with health professionals. After the disability is determined, the patient is matched with the best types of services, from cash assistance to Medicare or Social Security benefits.

While the process may take time, it is worth it to find out how the ESA can help. The initial application takes only a few minutes, thanks to the online initial screening available. Those with further questions after the initial application is complete can visit any one of the ESA offices, located in the county seat of every county in Washington state. Vancouver Home Health Care Agency can also help individuals find services.
At Vancouver Home Health Care Agency, Caring and Compassion is our business.

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