Vancouver Home Health Care Agency

Marijuana Pros and Cons

Marijuana Pros and Cons – An Honest Look at a Number of Conditions

There are so many arguments across the table concerning medical marijuana that it’s hard to know what side is right. Luckily, research is ongoing, and researchers have discovered a collaborative list of the possible pros and cons of marijuana for a number of different conditions. Doctors have weighed in, as well as medical professionals. Their opinions can be found here.

Physician’s Perspectives


Dr Joycelyn Elders, former US Surgeon General, stated that marijuana does relieve some pain, cures nausea, helps reduce vomiting, and helps with other symptoms. She stated that use of the drug was safe, as it was less toxic than many of the current drugs used for conditions such as MS and AIDS.


Bill Frist, MD, and former US Senator for Tennessee, stated that marijuana should not be considered safe simply because there is not enough scientific evidence to prove this. He believes that more consistent, repeatable data must be made available before the drug can be labeled “safe”.

Medical Organization’s Perspective


The American College of Physicians is pushing for marijuana’s status as a schedule 1 drug to be reviewed by the DEA. The ACP believes it is misclassified, and that its uses would be beneficial if the drug were placed in a lower category. The position of the ACP is support for exemption from prosecution, civil liability, and/or professional sanctioning, instead of jail time.


The National Eye Institute states that every study supported by them since 1978 has returned no positive results from marijuana use. None of the studies proved that any component of marijuana reduced eye pressure better or equal to drugs already in use. Additionally, the NEI noted negative side effects after use of the drug.

Government Official Perspectives


Judge Francis L. Young, DEA Administrative Law Judge, stated in 1988 that marijuana has been witnessed to relieve pain for very ill people. He stated that, when the drug was administered under controlled circumstances, it was beneficial.


John Walters, Director of Office of National Drug Control Policy, states that smoked marijuana damages a number of body systems. He states that it impairs learning and interferes with memory and judgment. He finally stated that  it has been found to be the cause for accidents, such as vehicle crashes.

Health Risks of Smoked Marijuana


Lester Grinspoon, MD, associated with Harvard Medical School, stated that very little evidence exists to suggest that smoking marijuana is worse than taking it in any other form. He parallels smoking the drug to spending a day in a polluted city, with the same results from both activities.


The British Lung Foundation states that smoking the drug will cause acute and chronic bronchitis, as well as damage to the bronchial mucosa. The immune system could be weakened, infections will be more prevalent, and small air sacs will be damaged.

Treating AIDS


Donald Abrams, MD, states that AIDS patients receiving this drug are proven to have increased immune function, and they also gained weight.


The Institute of Medicine reported that the biggest concern should be marijuana’s effect on immunity. The Institute cites reports of opportunistic diseases in AIDS patients who smoke marijuana, leading the Institute to believe that smoking causes higher risks to AIDS patients.

For the Terminally Ill


Consumer Reports released an editorial, stating that terminally ill patients benefit more than lose with marijuana use. The publication urges the federal government to proceed with the legalization of the drug nationwide.


Gabriel Nahas, MD, PhD, states that marijuana use cannot be considered therapeutic for terminally ill patients. It should, instead, be used to help ease the patient out of life. He states there is not enough scientific evidence to prove its usefulness.



Colin Blakemore, PhD, stated that only 10 percent of users become addicted psychologically. This drug is not truly addictive, as users do not feel a need to use it every day, and do not feel withdrawal symptoms.


Alan J. Bundey, PhD, states that heavy marijuana users did show symptoms which were significant and clinical. The symptoms were similar to nicotine withdrawal, but were different for each person studied.

If you would like to discuss any marijuana issues, call Vancouver Home Health Care Agency today.
At Vancouver Home Health Care Agency, Caring and Compassion is our business.

1 thought on “Marijuana Pros and Cons”

  1. Great Post! The pros and cons of marijuana use are complex and multifaceted. The ongoing debate reflects the need for careful consideration of scientific evidence, societal values, and individual health concerns in shaping marijuana policies and regulations.

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