Vancouver Home Health Care Agency

Affordable Care Act

The Rising Cost of Healthcare for Elderly Americans

Image provided by Pexels: “The Rising Cost of Healthcare for Elderly Americans: A Critical Issue for the US Healthcare System”Part 1. The United States healthcare system has long been a source of controversy and debate, with many arguing that it is not adequately equipped to handle the needs of the country’s elderly population. This issue has been brought into sharp focus in recent years, as the baby boomer generation has begun to retire and the population of older Americans has grown. One major concern with the current state of the healthcare system is its cost. The United States has the most expensive healthcare system in the world, with per-capita healthcare spending more than double that of many other developed countries. This high cost is often cited as a barrier to access for many older Americans, who may struggle to afford the necessary medical care. Another issue is the fragmented nature of the healthcare system. Unlike many other countries, the United States does not have a nationalized healthcare system. Instead, healthcare is provided by a patchwork of private insurance companies, public programs like Medicare and Medicaid, and individual healthcare providers. This can make it difficult for older Americans to navigate the system and access the care they need. The quality of care provided by the healthcare system is also a concern. In recent years, there have been numerous reports of poor care being provided to elderly patients, with issues ranging from inadequate staffing levels to a lack of coordination among providers. This can have serious consequences for older Americans, who are more likely to have chronic conditions and complex medical needs that require high-quality care. Despite these challenges, there are also many positive aspects to the US healthcare system. For example, the country is home to some of the best hospitals and medical research centers in the world, and many older Americans are able to access high-quality care when they need it. Additionally, the Affordable Care Act, which was passed in 2010, has expanded access to healthcare for many older Americans by providing subsidies to help them afford insurance and increasing funding for programs like Medicare and Medicaid. Overall, the viability of the US healthcare system for elderly Americans is a complex issue that requires further study and discussion. While there are certainly challenges and shortcomings, there are also many positive aspects to the system that are worth considering. It is clear that more needs to be done to ensure that older Americans have access to affordable, high-quality healthcare that meets their unique needs. At Vancouver Home Health Care Agency, caring and compassion is our business…

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Affordable Care Act

Overview of ACA The ACA, or Affordable Care Act, is also known as Obamacare, which was passed into law in 2010. It stated that every person needed to have healthcare by November 15, 2014, or suffer penalties. While it sounds simple, it was complicated in the beginning, and it took months for individuals to understand the act as a whole. However, individuals were able to purchase insurance from a marketplace, and even those without a workplace could purchase health insurance. Stated simply, the ACA is a law set in place to make sure every American can have access to affordable health care insurance. Customers are offered discounts in the form of tax credits on any government sponsored plans, and Medicaid was expanded to include a larger number of people who could not otherwise afford insurance. Insurance companies also faced some rule changes. Past policies allowed insurance companies to turn down a potential customer for preexisting conditions. However, insurance companies can no longer turn away customers. The hope is to contain costs from insurance companies rejecting customers or raising rates due to preexisting conditions. Some households receive tax credits for having health insurance, but only if the household income is between one an four times the Federal Poverty Level. Households are allowed to apply the credits toward discounts on the insurance premium or claim the credits on the end-of-year taxes. Plan Tiers Plans are divided into tiers, which are Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. The biggest difference between the levels is the price paid by the purchaser and the cost-sharing percentages. The Bronze plans cost the least, but will only help with 60% of the medical bills. Platinum plans cover 90%, but cost the most. Individuals must choose the plan that most closely meets medical needs. Penalizations By law, every American who can afford health insurance must have it. Anyone who does not meet the income guidelines must be on Medicare or Medicaid. Any individual without insurance will receive a penalty, implemented on the tax return. This means that not having health insurance will not affect individuals now, but will affect pockets at the end of the fiscal year. Any senior on Medicare does not have to worry over the ACA. The insurance coverage should not change and the senior’s coverage should not be interrupted. The Vancouver Home Health Care Agency is happy to answer any further questions regarding the ACA, as we understand it can be confusing to navigate this information. At Vancouver Home Health Care Agency, Caring and Compassion is our business.

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