Insurance plans Vancouver Home Health Care Agency currently accept.
Our National Provider Identifier (NPI) information
*Please Note: Vancouver Home Health Care Agency is not a Medicare or Medicaid certified company, And not all Vancouver Home Health Care Agency-services accept insurance or financial aid. Please confirm with your health insurance provider about your specific plan and coverage before your initial inquiry for home healthcare services from Vancouver Home Health Care Agency.
State of Oregon
Vancouver Home Health Care Agency,LLC 8885 SW Canyon Rd. Suite 220 Phone: (503) 360-0464 Service area: 60 miles radius of our Beaverton office. |
State of Washington
Vancouver Home Health Care Agency,LLC. 201 Northeast Park Plaza Dr, Suite 200 Phone: (360) 975-7070 Service area: Clark County in its entirety |
Please note: Before faxing any referral to our office, please contact us to ensure that we are able to accommodate your referral.
Referral form
State of Oregon
State of Washington
“At Vancouver Home Health Care Agency, our commitment is rooted in caring and compassion, ensuring that your well-being remains at the heart of what we do”